SDN Somali disability network is launching disability inclusion program DIP in Somali for the coordination of  several activity that combines education, advocacy and protection program in the country. the member organizations of the network will be the implementer of the acuity with little funds raised the network for the internal source the member organization and the non member SCo organization in the country
The member DPOs will initiate   acuities from their own ideas which is based the existing  need of the people in the target areas. The main priority of this program should the education for all, equal opportunity employments and protection of the basic human rights for the member of the PWDs and their families
- computer skills  and media technology for the member from the disability people .  this project will be six moth for two teams consisting of 10 person each and all of them will be 20 persons most of them from the PWDs
- sewing machine and making traditional basket, matts and fans for the public in the market, a profitable material that could be used widely in the society. These people can be employee for other people or self-employed producing the materials
- supporting the women and girls with disabilities the ownership of small business works candy and sweet food distribution to the market mainly to the private and public schools in the villages.
- protection of human rights and implementation of the CRPd in Somali. Mass orientations and workshop for the nationwide Somali people . working with DPOs, SCOs international NGOs and international community and the federal states and federal government of Somalia organs
5 recreation Paralympic games for the teams based in Bandir region Mogadishu, play together and  make changes with Paralympic  matches that will awards the medals and trophy medals and trophy