co Sunday  0 4 June 2023 the conference proceeded with participation of the people representing variety DPOs, Schools, IDP camps and Networks for the disability people.  The participants made interdiction and recap of previous session in yesterday. And the facilitators spread the agenda and the names of the panelist on the panel .
Day two first panel was the challenges and barrier befitting   establishment laws, polices. Census and the inclusion of the NDP 10th as well as the participation of constitutional  reform process.
Third Panel  of day two the challenges against the PWDs in the political participation, establishment new laws, implementation of existing laws, disability policy, strategic plan and national disability census in Somalia.
The challenges for the establishment of law is one of the main problems that lead disability exclusion public and private. Firstly the citizens  with disabilities have in put right in the federal constitution, there are no legislation that protect them, there are not policies that define their role and rights in the national, there is no  national strategic plan  that will help inclusion public and private sector programs and the lack national disability census that makes very hard to attain the demographic data of the PWDs children, youth, adult people and age with gender.
In the development education the PWDs have common problems barrier environmental and attitudinal. The school children with disabilities are discriminated widely in the classes by the peer students and sometime that teachers who may not have information the universal rights  of PWDs.  Children with disabilities learning in the school are very little compare to the non-disabled education recruitment more than 39%. No one can estimate the recruitment of the CWDs children with disabilities in Somalia.
The  disabled people need inclusive for all policy in the country that can grantee them participation of cross cutting issue the social, political, development and legislations. The participation of the program partnership for the DPOs and the contract need defined inclusion policy which has obligation that insure mainstreaming the disability in the tenders with extensive inclusion in the guidelines and documents.
The four the panel I in the day two  cross cutting discussion KII key informant interview that can make analysis in all topic in the panel in wan session. This session covers other session with input of the responds left in the previous debates.
The social program in Somalia destroyed in the civil war 1991 has restored by civil society. Private business flourished in the country. Some of the PWDs realized the need get access for education and established segregated school for the physical and sensory in separate entries each. This made possible for the education enrollment some children less hundred. The founders and the teacher were member from the PWDs.
The participation of the national unified exam 2018 was an obstacle with visual impaired and deaf student who learnt  segregated school in primary and intermediate and inclusive school in secondary. After several weeks of an argument for the national exam inclusion PWDs. Solution has been developed for  the consultation with members of the students prepared for the exam. Typically  theory verbal responds the teachers write on paper with word of the student. This become supportive. Still the need for technological support  is  unfixed in Somalia where there is no braille machines accessible by the deaf visual impaired students and people.
finally two days consultation meeting for the disabled people organization has been finalized in Mogadishu
in Mogadishu implemented by SDN Somali Disability Network Funded UNSOM HRPG office Mogadishu wh have been working advocacy program with PWDs and DPOs