Mobilization campaigns for persons with disabilities and members of the society to become an active members in the DPOs in Somalia is held in Mogadishu. The workshop was awareness raising and sensitization for the PWDs capacity strengthen  for increased role in the DPOs decision making in Somalia and source of the operating income of the organization that may enable them operational service providers on the ground
The one day workshop is participated by 50 persons from different background mostly from the PWDs, CSOs and the local authority Banadir region. The facilitators made good presentation supportive for all part to insure solidarity and inclusion of PWDs  and people who may not write. Through text papers, PPT presentations and audio for the visual impaired people in the workshop.
The  participants made active contribution for the workshop with exchange of questions and Ideas that was supportive to the marketing the DPOs participation and increased membership. The workshop was started with Quran and opening made the chairperson of the SDN with key speech for senior participants. The facilitator made their presentation with ToR Somali  version clear and concisely   drafted that has made in-depth understanding for the participants in the workshop
Key  speech was made by some of the parents mainly the CSOs, the PWDs and members of the Banadir region local authority.
Mr.  Abdullahi Hussein Osman the chairperson has  briefed   event and the objective of the session said we have organized this workshop mobilizing the PWDs to be part of the DPOs as members in the decision  making and the beneficiaries. In overall its is ‘’Marketing and Advocacy ‘’ the PWDs and DPOs can be mean interchangeable where PWDs is the people and the DPOs are the organizations and networks organized as service providers. Established and run by majority of PWDs in the key leadership and decision making. Similarly the inclusion program mean program which have active member the decision making, implementation and the beneficiaries.