Somalia Disability Network is established in Somalia on Tuesday 06 October 2020 in Mogadishu by a group of Somalia PWDs persons with disabilities who are mostly actors of the DPOs the disabled people organizations and activist groups working the disabled people advocacy and empowerment #
After three month consecutive consultation meeting that stared august 2020 in workshop organized by the save children UK training advocacy raising and the establishment of the DPOs network in Somalia with support the leaders and actors of the PWDs and DPOs
In September temporary committee was established for the process of the consultations the best network DPOs and PWDs can help them unity and empowerment in the Somalia civil society. After week the team prosed establishment Somali disability network with membership from the PWDs and DPOs as well as service providers and stakeholder working the issue of the disability in Somalia.
On October the first week the temporary committee managed the membership fee collection from 15 DPOs who paid cash money for the membership fee and the ToR of the Somali disability network has been finalised and passed two readings in front of the majority of the representatives from the member organizations Somali disability network
Tuesday 06 October 2020 the first meeting was held where participants voted for the election of the assembly leaders competed by Mr Adan Hasan Ali and Sheikh Omer who get the same vote from the member who was 21 persons. In the second vote, Sheikh Omer got 11 votes and Mr Aden got 5 votes in the first round of the second session Mss. Fartun and Kalagac competed where Mss. Fartun overwhelming vote two of the participants.- Advertisement
This was really very interesting work that served nearly one hundred with huge challenges against the achievement of the goal of the team and the PWDs persons with disabilities. Most PWDs present the session where team benefited from the EISA workshop for the election held in Mogadishu several months ago.