on Tuesday 8 march 2022  the members of the BOWDo organization organized ceremony to memories the international women days. the participants of the international women’s day presented the problems they face in the society. the human rights abuses, discriminations and exclusion of national opportunities . the chairperson of the Banadir Women disability organization Mrs. Halawi Shikh Dahir send message to the Somali society, to work hard the elimination of all human rights abuses’ against the disability girls and women who suffer in the population. and to international community and the government to stand the implementation of women protection laws and the CRPD
Mss. Farhiya send message to the Somali people to work the empowerment of the women and girls with disability in the education and economic which are very important of the life. the disability people suffer public and privet work i the country
Mrs. Halawi Shikh Dahir requesied women and girls with disability political and development programs participation

Banadir Women Disability Organization