On 22 February 2021 in Mogadishu members of the Somalia national disability council, Somalia disability network, Somali Disability empowerment network and Somali disability cluster took briefing meeting with member of the Somali indirect independent lections committee.
The members in the meeting both male and females with variety disabilities presented their concern to the election in Somalia the parliament and presidential. An argument for the inclusivity of the election works coordination, technical staff and expert to be made inclusive for all where members from the disability group should have representatives supporting the disabled people in voters.
The members in the meeting noted that Somalia signed the CRDP the united nation convention rights persons with disabilities 2019 which enforce member state to make inclusive for all the decision making works and organs. an important international law convention that should consider social and political work in Somalia
The team meet with one person members of the indirect national election committee 2021 election. The persons was member of the PWDs persons with disabilities who have physical challenges proposed to organize great meeting for the consultation of the members of the PWDs and DPOs in Somalia including the federal members states in the regional governments of Somalia..
The meeting was briefing the commute work and members of the disability people role in the 2021 election work coordination to be inclusive for the staff, voters and candidates for the parliamentary and presidential election.