Home sdn news Wheelchair Distribution for Disability People in Mogadishu

Wheelchair Distribution for Disability People in Mogadishu

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On Thursday 17 December 2020 in Mogadishu Zamazam foundation and UAE Red  Crescent Society made distribution of seventy wheelchairs for the disability people in Sanca center located in Yakhshid district  for the beneficiaries of Sanca Centre both children and adult people with male and female. The wheelchair were brand news donated by the UAE Red  Crescent Society

The people in the centre thanked to the aid they received from the charitable p organization zamzam foundation which made assessment visit to the DPOs in Mogadishu and  awarded the  aid to the people of the Sanca Centre.

Sanca centre is non-profit organization help  both the disability people and poor displaced people in the area who share problems with disability people. The centre host both blind, deaf and physical disability together.  The centre providers humanitarian aid, vocational skills training, rehabilitation and employment for the disability

Mr. Abdi Hussein told the media they are very happy with aid they received from the UAE Red  Crescent Society and Zamzam foundation. There are some other problems we have in the centre and the people mostly the vocational skills training for the youth and adult people, primary education for the children of the disabled parents and the disabled children.

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