ZERO Tolerance FGM against Disability Girls
On Tuesday 05 July 2022 SAFDI conducted panel discussion for the prevention of the FGM against the women young girls with disabilities. The workshop is held in Mogadishu participated females from CSOs, PWDs and the community. The panel disunion is participated key activists for human rights and particularly gender rights protection.
The workshop is participated 40 persons who made their participation in the decisions. Five key questions were debated in the meeting and the challenges were raised in the argument that emphasized the negligence of the disability women rights protection in Somalia. Women and girls with disabilities are more vulnerable in the society and mostly victim of the GBV that are not reported usual in the human rights and public in the media
The plane disunion has raised the importance of the elimination of the FGM in the society
1. what is FGM its legal or illegal
2. The impact of the FGM in the society
3. What the legacy in the short time and long time
4. Who can FGM be reduced in the society
5. What is required the fight against the FGM
The panelists analyzed the root causes of the FGM in the society. And the impact of the social for the young girls. And the role of the practitioners who are the main facilitators of the FGM.
The pianist has also readied the importance of legislation the can prevent the FGM
Mass awareness and advocacy in the society that can raised the impact of the FGM in the society mainly the parents and the key leaders of the community realise the illegality of FGM
Organize zero tolerance programs and campaigns against FGM through mass media advocacy and public speech with printed materials.
Call to action Zero tolerance FGM in society